Fun with Scarves

I am always in the hunt for songs to use with props: parachutes, peepers, balls, or scarves. When I am looking for songs, I am looking for simple songs that the children (parents and teachers) can pick up quickly. I am looking for songs that explore simple concepts and give clear instructions. I am also looking for songs that are just fun!

Here are a few songs that have been tested in many music classes. These are some of my favorite song to use with movement scarves.

We Wave Our Scarves Together
Tune: The Bear Went Over the Mountain

We wave our scarves together.
We wave our scarves together.
We wave our scarves together,
At music class today!
We wave them way up high!
We wave them way down low!
We wave our scarves together,
At music class today!

Other verses:
We shake our scarves together.
We spin our scarves together.
We wear our scarves together.

Tune: Clementine

Peek-a-boo! Peek-a-boo!
Peek-a-boo! Where are you?
Peek-a-boo! Peek-a-boo!
Peek-a-boo! Where are you?

Peek-a-boo is the simplest activity to do with a scarf. Children of all ages like it. I use sheer scarves in my classes. Because the scarves are sheer, the children can see though them. This reassures the child that the adults are staying right where they are, making the game feel more secure, but also sillier.

These beautiful, easy-to-wash scarves are from West Music. They are perfect for Peek-A-Book or making helicopters and butterflies

These beautiful, easy-to-wash scarves are from West Music. They are perfect for Peek-A-Book or making helicopters and butterflies

Tune: Frère Jacques

Helicopter. Helicopter.
Way up high. Way up high.
See the blades are spinning. See the blades are spinning.
In the sky. In the sky.

Helicopter Movements:

Spin the scarf over your head.

If you are doing this song with older kids, it is fun to walk/run around the room with your helicopters and "land" at the end.

The movement in We Wave Our Scarves Together follow the lyrics of the song. Wave your scarves slowly, big sweeping movements. Wave them high on "wave them way up high" and wave them low on "wave them way down low."

"We wear our scarves together" is a silly one. It always comes about because a child has put the scarf on their head for peek-a-boo. For "wear them way up high," wear them as a hat. For "wear them way down low," let them be shoes.

Using Your Imagination

Scarves are a good way to use your imagination. In WeeGroove classes, we often use our scarves to explore the life cycle of a butterfly or make the propellers of a helicopter.

Flutter, Flutter
Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle

Caterpillar munch, munch, munch.
Find some leaves and eat a bunch.
Wiggle fast and wiggle slow.
Build a cocoon and grow, grow, grow.
Caterpillar munch, munch, munch.
Find some leaves and eat a bunch.

Flutter, Flutter butterfly.
Flying high up in the sky.
Soaring up! Soaring down!
Soaring around and around and around!
Flutter, Flutter butterfly.
Flying high up in the sky.

Flutter, Flutter Movements:

"Caterpillar munch, munch munch"
Wiggle your scarf on the ground like a caterpillar.

"Build a cocoon and grow, grow, grow."
The bunch it up in your hand like a cocoon.

"Flutter, Flutter butterfly"
Grab the scarf in the middle, so it has two wings. Fly your butterfly up, down and in a circle.

The Wheels on the Bus in another good one to use scarves with. Scarves make fun wheels, windshield wipers and crying babies.

Scarves can also be used in a free-dance. Encourage the children to get creative and explore waving their scarves high, low and around and around.

How do you use scarves in your home or classroom?

Happy Singing.