Spring and a Playlist

Spring is coming. In Chicago, we got a taste of it yesterday. The snow is melting and I have even seen a few green stems pushing their way out of the partially frozen earth.

Here are two songs to get you and your children ready for the changing weather:

(Tune: Do You Know the Muffin Man?)

Springtime's when the flowers bloom,
The flowers bloom, the flowers bloom.
Springtime's when the flowers bloom!
Hey! Springtime is here!

Springtime's when the bunnies hop,
The bunnies hop, the bunnies hop!
Springtime's when the bunnies hop!
Hey! Springtime is here!

       Other verses:
           Springtime's when we play outside.
           Springtime's when the snow will melt.
           Springtime's when the birds will sing.

Let your children write their own verses. Nothing rhymes in this song and almost anything will fit. What does Spring mean to your kids?

You can also sing "Hey! Springtime is near" if you don't feel like Spring is quite here yet. (Considering Chicago is probably going to get snow tonight, I will be singing about Springtime being near!)


Flowers Growing Tall
(Tune: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes)

Red flowers growing tall, growing tall.
Red flowers growing tall, growing tall.
Spring is here with beauty for for us all!
Red flowers growing tall, growing tall!


I made flowers for my felt board and I use this song as an opportunity to work on identifying colors. You could sing it outside and identify colors you see in a garden or you could take a field trip to the local garden center or a green house.


One more thing!

I have recently put together a playlist on rdio.com. It has many of my student's favorite songs. The neat thing about rdio.com is you can download an app and take it with you on your mobile device! You can stream it in your car or classroom!


WeeGroove Playlist

Happy Singing!